Who are we?

ACRED, the Alliance for Community Realestate Development, is a non-profit, democratically governed professional organization. It develops and maintains long-term, affordable, community-owned spaces for communities and individuals working for social goals based on democratic principles.

ALLIANCE, as in our work is based on the close cooperation of several organizations. The diverse knowledge and experience of member organizations contribute to our work on community property development.

COMMUNITY, because we believe in the democratic functioning of groups, as well as in the joint development, ownership and maintenance of property. We provide affordable spaces for organizations and emerging groups that ensure long-term community-based, social use of these spaces.

REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, because we know that for communities to grow based on economic solidarity, they need access to spaces they can function in. We have a responsibility to provide affordable housing, democratic working- and community spaces.

Organizational Chart

Szervezeti ábra

Founding Members


Csaba Baroch, delegate of the Gólya Cooperative in ACRED. As a member of ACRED’s Operations Division, he is responsible for the development and implementation of the community building operations model.

Flóra Cieger, teacher, currently training as an accountant. As a member of the ACRED Operations Division, she is responsible for the financial and administrative processes of the Kazan Community Centre and ACRED.

Adél Csűrök, is a staff member of the Development Division.

Dorka Csepregi, sociologist, delegate of the Solidarity Economy Centre. She is the current co-coordinator of ACRED and mainly works as a coordinator and community organizer for ACRED’s Development Division.

Juli Jakabos, architect, delegate of the Gólya Cooperative, Gólya Builders. As a member of ACRED’s Real Estate Development Division, she is involved in design and planning work.

Csaba Jelinek, urban sociologist, delegate of the Periféria Centre and the Zugló Collective House Association at ACRED. As a staff member of ACRED’s Operations Division, he is involved in community financing and fundraising.

Sándor Kispál, delegate of the Gólya Cooperative. In the Development Division of ACRED, he is involved in project development as a legal expert.

Benjamin Márkus, is the energy coordinator of the Kazán Energy Community, working in ACRED’s Operations Division, responsible for the energy development of the building.

Áron Mikus, social scientist, ACRED Operations Division, is the professional and community coordinator of the Kazán Community House.

Ákos Nagy, sociologist, interior designer, delegate of the Solidarity Economy Centre. He is the current co-coordinator of SZAKI and is involved in planning and communication work as a member of ACRED’s Development Division. | Email: nagyakki@gmail.com

Orsolya Nagy, sociologist, trainee in ACRED’s Development Division.

Zsuzsanna Pósfai, urban and regional development expert, delegate of the Periféria Centre and the Zugló Collective House Association. As a member of ACRED’s Development Division, she is involved in resource planning and project development.

András Szépe, sociologist, delegate of the Gólya Cooperative, including the Gólya builders, as a member of ACRED’s Development Division, coordinated the renovation of the Kazán Community House and was responsible for the launch of the Real Estate Development Division.

Barabás Szemenyei, lawyer, delegate of the Solidarity Economy Centre. As a member of the ACRED Operations Division, he is responsible for resource planning, legal and administrative tasks.